
Latest stable version: 1.2.0

For help & more information, check out the installation instructions.


Requirements: 64-bit Windows 10 or later (32-bit Windows 7 when building from sources)


LibrePCB is contained in several app stores / software centers, just search for "LibrePCB" to find and install it. If it doesn’t exist, use one of the installation options below.

Important: Set the executable flag before starting the AppImage!

App Stores

Install the Snap Package from Snapcraft or the Flatpak from Flathub.

Arch Linux

Install librepcb (builds from source) or librepcb-appimage (downloads binary) from the AUR.


Install the librepcb package.


Install librepcb from the OpenPandora Repository.



Install the librepcb port.


Unfortunately LibrePCB 1.2.0 contains a serious bug when building with Qt5 which we detected after the release was published. Therefore you really need to migrate to Qt6 now, where the bug doesn’t exist. This needs to be done anyway as we’ll drop support for Qt5 soon. If you have any issues with migrating to Qt6, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Older Releases

All current and previous releases are available at