
Maintaining LibrePCB wouldn’t be possible without sponsorings. Many thanks to our sponsors for supporting the LibrePCB project:


ngi0 entrust

This project is funded through the NGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established by NLnet with financial support from the European Commission’s Next Generation Internet programme, under the aegis of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.

sponsor aisler

AISLER is a PCB manufacturing service from the Netherlands which makes PCB ordering easier than ever before. They operate our fabrication service and contribute financially.

sponsor pcbway

PCBWay is a large, worldwide well-known PCB manufacturing company from China which provides advanced PCB technologies. They operate our fabrication service and contribute financially.

sponsor pcbgogo

PCBgogo is a quick-turn prototype PCB manufacturing and assembly service from China. They offer a $25 PCB for just $1 with free shipping on your first order. PCBgogo supports the LibrePCB project financially.

sponsor nextpcb

HQ NextPCB specializes in reliable multilayer PCB manufacture and assembly. They also provide the parts sourcing service HQ Online and the free DFM analysis tool HQDFM. HQ NextPCB supports the LibrePCB project financially.

sponsor bittele

Bittele Electronics is a turn-key PCB assembly company from Canada, providing prototype and low-to-mid volume PCB fabrication and assembly services. Bittele Electronics supports the LibrePCB project financially.

sponsor partstack

Partstack is an electronic part search engine from California, providing a comprehensive catalog of parts including supplier stock availability, prices, datasheets and more. They support the LibrePCB project financially.

sponsor winsource

WIN SOURCE is an electronic components distributor from China. In addition to regular parts, they also have a large catalog of EOL and obsolete parts in stock. WIN SOURCE supports the LibrePCB project financially.

And many more commercial or individual sponsors contribute financially through Patreon, GitHub Sponsors, PayPal or other ways!

In-Kind Sponsors

The LibrePCB project thankfully relies on the following sponsored services to operate:

sponsor cloudscale

cloudscale.ch is a highly flexible, easy-to-use cloud server provider from Switzerland. They sponsor the virtual servers to run all LibrePCB web services.


Transifex sponsors the translation service thanks to their open-source program.

Your Sponsorship

Are you interested in a sponsorship? Check out our donation options and contact us.